hepi gle rini kat klas n pas blikm klas....
kat klas....
first2,ok,rini blaja sal ape ntah...
ak pown xpsti sgt....
then,ktorg dbhgikan kpd 4 kump....
ak kump 4....xsngke plak ak sme group ngan eon..
shes rily cute....my frenz,keosi,pown ckp bnde yg sme....
wow,wktu group ngan die,cam xleyh wat keje ar....hahahaha....
dok tgk je mke die...no words to dscribe her...but she's rily2 cute....
n pas 20 mnit,ktorg dok tmpt msing2....then after break,ktorg dbahagikan kpd 6 group...
ak group ke-5 n keosi group ke-6....
ak tekejut gle ble ak sme plak group ngan shini....
wow....she sat infront of me....wow...she's beautiful...
she looks like a model..n quite sexy....
wow...wat ak gelabah gle ar ble dpt group ngan die...
group ngan die pown ak xleyh concentrate sgt coz dok tgk mke die...
ala2 model seyh die nie....
gmbr dlm fb die,wow....nseb baek la die dok kat penang.....klo x,xtau la ape da jdi ngan ak skang.....hahahaha....
n da beh klas,ak ngan keosi nie blek la...otw nk gi jeti,eon ade skli....
wow,so fast ha u guys....die ckp...coz die jln dlu dri ktorg....
then,ble naek feri,die msok dlu...
then ak n keosi nie dok la sblh die....ak diapit oleh mreke la...
n sesi perkenalan mula berputik....tp speaking ar...no malays....
then,smpe kat jety butterworth,ktorg lumbe lri spe smpe dlu kat bus station....
ak n keasi bgi die lari dlu...then keosi bla tggl ak...xgne towl...
then ak keja ar,cangak gi...
wktu ak nk potong eon,ak tgk mke die comel gle...merah mke die....hahhahahaha....
siyes....cam,wow,she's like a princess.....then,smpe kat stesen bas,ak keosi n eon smbang la coz bas ktorg xsmpe lg....
tetibe,ade org cam tolak beg ak...ak pown pusing la nk tgk spe an....tgk2 jannah....
fuyoh...then eon tny la kat keosi,is it his gf,then xsmpt keosi jwb,ak pown jwb la,shes not my gf k....she's my bezfwen....then she smile...omg....
jannah pown ckp la kat ak,weyh,pompuan ni comey ar.....
hahaha...well....xleyh dinafikan lgi la....
then ak n jannah smbg la smpe bas ak smpe...agk lme la....
then ktorg pown brpisah coz ak da naek bas....
*keosi-my frenz at bcp..sekapala ngan ak....
k la..