Sunday, January 31, 2010

dilema yg menghantui ku....

owh tidak,ak nk time ke x nie?......
ak xske die sgt la....tpi die cam lebey2 je ak rse....
x psl2 nk brmnje plak...geygeh gle....
hmm...dlu ak ngaku la ak penah syg+ske kat skang xda....
sorie ar....dlu die pown xlyn sgt ak da feelingless da la...
cam pa gie....adush....ape ak kne wat nie....
i have no idea about it....
rse sbrsalah pown ade gak....ntah la....
ak pown xtau nk wat pe...xreply msj,die call.....
errgghh.....mati ar cam tu....bkn ade pape hbungan lgi tu,da wat cam 2....
klo ade t,adoyai....
so,what should i do now??
leave or ignore her or still cntct with her....

Saturday, January 30, 2010


oh tidak....
skang klo ak tgo bdak2 yg sme klas ngan aku kat bcp dlu,sume kne gne bhsem iggeris.....
adoysh....ak da la xtere....klo suh ckp,bleh nk suh tlis,cnfrm ar vocab n grammar ak kantoi....
adush....mati ak..... chat ngan thieng2...errghh....
speaking je....xde malays lgsung....
n cam bese,diorg tny soklan yg sme,do u got gf???
hahahaha....tah usual,my answer is no...hahahahaha
hmm...bez gak chat ngan amoi sorg nie....
cam lwk je die nie....

Friday, January 29, 2010

movie yg bez... ak tgk citer my wife is a gangster....
hahaha....agk lwk la....
tpi bez.....the actress is cute....
cam xkne je ngan character
ptot la kwn ak suh ak tgk....
oh tidak....mati ar ak jdi mgse dera seksual....hahaha...
tp,ak rse wife tu bkn nye die ske kat husband die...
die cme tnaikan permintaan akak die....die kwen ngan laki tu pown coz permintaan akak die sblm die mti...n die wat TTTUUUUTTT pown coz akak die nk die jdi seorg ibu....klo x,die mmg xkn wat pnye la....get it???hahaha....
but,i rily respect that man coz,die bls dndam kat org yg wat bini die masok hspital coz kne pukul....i knoe,he rily love his wife....,i start to think bout "this"...
n i need to make a decission....hahaha....
hmm...omg!!!!ape hrus ak wat nie....

ari yg sedeyh tp hepi....

ari nie ari last ak ngan kwn2 kat bcp...
ade yg nk smbung studi gi...
ak igt nk smbung,tp ak xde kwn ar...
keosi da xsmbung...t klo ak smbung,xkn ak blek ngan eon je...
xmo la...i mean,agk segan la coz ti msti girls kat bcp syak yg bkn2....
xnk la kantoi....
so,ak pown mlz la....
hahahaha....n td sblm beh klas,ktorg wat speaking...hahaha
ssh gle...coz kne ikt rules yg dberi....
gle towl,tergeliat ldah ak....
then sblm blek,teacher bgi sijil...waaaaa.....
guess what,my speaking n participant dpt excellent....hahahaha....
tp grammar n apee ntah dpt good je...
tp ok la...ak cam xcaye je,ak nie leyh speaking ke??
ak rse ak bodo gle ar ble speaking....hahahaha....
then,sblm kuar klas,sesi meminta email facebook mula la berlaku...
hahaha....then,ktorg pown berpisah la pas kuar klas....
tp insyaallah ar ktorg still akn cntct each other....
sume da bwk haluan msing2...
n cambese,rini ak xblek ngan keosi,tp ak blek ngan taufiq,tp,smpe kat fery,ak still la kne dok sblh die kan... pas trun fery tu ak bia die pi dlu...mlz la nk lari...
then,kat bus station,die kne queu pnjg,so ak pown dri ar sblh die..sembg pny smbg,tgk2 bas ak pown da smpe,n wktu tu bas die xsmpe ak pown say gudbye to her le....kat dlm bas,ak msj die,sowh die take care coz mmg ssh la nk jmp die da pas nie....klo nak,kne la gi sp....hmm....
ak pown blek la ke umah maksu ak kat bagan....
-the end-

-gonna miss my bcp frenz especially her-
-miss madame emma-
-miss the cheers of the class-


Thursday, January 28, 2010

tiada tajuk yg sesuai.....

I’m going to smile and make you think I’m happy, I’m going to laugh, so you don’t see me cry, I’m going to let you go in style, and even if it kills me - I’m going to smile.whatever it is,think about it why i do this.if you get the answer,i can conclude that you're really care about me,if not,dont say anything about get it?

ooh tidak....

omg,ak xsngke plak slme nie die amik kesah sal ak....
oowh...berdosenye ak rse....thanx la coz amik brat sal sye ea....
bru awk tnjuk kn...yela,dlu kn awk xreti tnjuk yg awk care sal
xtau la plak ble plak awk da amik kesah sal sye??bwu dtg mmpi ea???
ke org ajr???
ai,xkn tu pown kne ajr....
cam plik je....hahahaha....
hburan gle la kamoo nie...siyes...
cam frst time la jmpe org cam kamoo...
dasat towl....
ade prasaan jgk ea...
oowh,lpe,awk ade prasaan,cme awk xtnjuk
sye lpe....ape la sye nie....


esk ari laz ak kat bcp...
waaa....xbez nye....
bwu dpt berkenalan da kne pisah....
hahaha....btw,we still in cntct meyh....
hri nie mmg bez gle2 sial ak rse....
hepi xbrthap da.....
td gi bcp ngan die....
then ble klas stat,ak kne tkr tmpt....eerggh!!!
gram gle ar td.....
tp,bez gle coz dpt dok semeje ngan shini...that model....
da la ak sowg je laki kat stu...ok...ak mmg diam wktu tu...even ak kne ckp,ak xtau cam ne nk start....
hahaha...btpe glabah ak disane....
then,diorg tny bout my home town,our main topic....after i answer it,then shini ask me,how u get a gf???then i juz like,huh??what??hahaha.....
then diorg glak je...xgne towl...
lps break,xi yi,my classmate ask me,do u have gf??then ak diam...aku pown, huh???
tpi,keosi plak gi jwb....sume org snyum je trmsuk madame emma....hahahah....
xgne pny kwn...ak bru nk ckp ak sngle...then keosi ask that girl,why u asked that question to him??then she told that,that chinese grouop were talking bout me.....y??coz my @##@#@#@#@#....hahahaha...
ak pown diam jela...then ak tgk mke eon,die tgk ak smcam je pas tu....
oh tidak,ak xwat bnde yg slh....
blek 2,cam bese ak,keosi n eon blek skali smpe la ke jetty,nkat feri pown ak dok sblh die....hahaha....
smpe kat jety btwrth,ktorg brpisah....
ak pown tggu la mak ak smpe....
n esok akn jdi hri bersejarah...hahaha.....
cam xbez je coz nk beh da klas....

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

pagi yg mngejutkan....

kul 8 cam tu td,bese la,ak mne bgn lgi,tetibe hp ak bunyi...
ade org call....
no tu ak xtau pown...xknl spe yg call ak....
then ak agkt la...ak igt laki,rpe2 nye pompuan....
me:who 's this??
she:ur fwenz
me:huh??whats ur name??
she:start from E..
she:no3...second letter is o....
she:yes....haha..bgon la...
me:huh??how u get my number meyh??
she:i get from keosi..yesterday i wantd to ask ur fon number but ur frenz there....
me:oowh....ok...npe call i???
she:npe??xleyh....hmm..actually,jap gi kte gi klass sesame nak???i akn ade kat jetty around 12 smtin....
me:hmm...ok...i awlnye.....
she:ala...jom la....
me:how bout keosi??
me:hmm...ok...see u there....

pas ak ckp fon,tros xleyh tido...hahahaha....mmg gle towl die nie....
skang ak nk gi bersiap
nseb baek la die dok ka sp,klo x da lme da ak blek ngan die....

wow!!!my day.....

hepi gle rini kat klas n pas blikm klas....

kat klas....
first2,ok,rini blaja sal ape ntah...
ak pown xpsti sgt....
then,ktorg dbhgikan kpd 4 kump....
ak kump 4....xsngke plak ak sme group ngan eon..
shes rily frenz,keosi,pown ckp bnde yg sme....
wow,wktu group ngan die,cam xleyh wat keje ar....hahahaha....
dok tgk je mke words to dscribe her...but she's rily2 cute....
n pas 20 mnit,ktorg dok tmpt msing2....then after break,ktorg dbahagikan kpd 6 group...
ak group ke-5 n keosi group ke-6....
ak tekejut gle ble ak sme plak group ngan shini....
wow....she sat infront of's beautiful...
she looks like a model..n quite sexy....
wow...wat ak gelabah gle ar ble dpt group ngan die...
group ngan die pown ak xleyh concentrate sgt coz dok tgk mke die...
ala2 model seyh die nie....
gmbr dlm fb die,wow....nseb baek la die dok kat penang.....klo x,xtau la ape da jdi ngan ak skang.....hahahaha....
n da beh klas,ak ngan keosi nie blek la...otw nk gi jeti,eon ade skli....
wow,so fast ha u guys....die ckp...coz die jln dlu dri ktorg....
then,ble naek feri,die msok dlu...
then ak n keosi nie dok la sblh die....ak diapit oleh mreke la...
n sesi perkenalan mula speaking malays....
then,smpe kat jety butterworth,ktorg lumbe lri spe smpe dlu kat bus station....
ak n keasi bgi die lari dlu...then keosi bla tggl ak...xgne towl...
then ak keja ar,cangak gi...
wktu ak nk potong eon,ak tgk mke die comel gle...merah mke die....hahhahahaha....,wow,she's like a princess.....then,smpe kat stesen bas,ak keosi n eon smbang la coz bas ktorg xsmpe lg....
tetibe,ade org cam tolak beg ak...ak pown pusing la nk tgk spe an....tgk2 jannah....
fuyoh...then eon tny la kat keosi,is it his gf,then xsmpt keosi jwb,ak pown jwb la,shes not my gf k....she's my bezfwen....then she smile...omg....
jannah pown ckp la kat ak,weyh,pompuan ni comey ar.....
hahaha...well....xleyh dinafikan lgi la....
then ak n jannah smbg la smpe bas ak smpe...agk lme la....
then ktorg pown brpisah coz ak da naek bas....

*keosi-my frenz at bcp..sekapala ngan ak....

k la..

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

its a good news....

omg...juz now,mama n abah old me that abah dtukarkn ke putrajaya.....
wow!!!!i'm waiting for this moment for a long time.....
akhirnya,my dreamz come true....
hmm...bkn nye xbez dok,ntah la...
cam ade je xkne....
so,better dok mpt yg jaoh dri sumer org....

tenang pown tng....
even kat sni bnyk kngan sal ak,tp,i want to live there....
coz,lebeh dkt ngan kwn2 ak kat ktn which is more understand bout me...diorg pown sllu trun putrajaya especially nik....
n i hope this is my rite decision...
n this is my final decission....

MIRA,anis,nik,e'en,harapan korunk da hmpir tercapai...
so,wait for me...
se u guys...
n we'll be back together....
as long as im close with u guys....

n,i like my 'game' progress rite now....
i rily love this 'game'....
its not juz a 'game',it also one of the way for u to noe me...
n i hope u understand....
take care....

keep in touch dude...
c ya...

Friday, January 22, 2010


if my besfwen ask me about it,i'll answer,yaa,its good,n i give it chance to change....


if my closes frenz ask me about it,i'll answer,owh,she's fine......

if my bezfrenz ask me about 'do you hepy wif 'it'',n my answer is no,i don't....
WHY,coz they noe me better than u.....

if my close frenz ask me about 'do you hepy wif, 'it' ',my answer is yes....
WHY,coz they noe u....

do u get what i'm try to say.....
think it.....
our "GAMES" begin......


btowl gak la kn,slme nie awk mmg sllu sesangat amik kesah....
selalu sgt999......

ape la sye kn...xhrgai org yg "care" gle99 kat sye.....
mcm ape lgi....
xptot sye wat cam tu....
da la awk pndai jge hti sye xpnh pown nk jge hti awk kn.....
awk jge hti sye LEBEYH dri awk jge hti awk
siyesly, awk mmg TERBAEEEEK!!!!!!!!!!!

awk da xnk amik tau sal sye,eventhough awk mmg xamik tau pown???
awk da xnk amik berat,klo sblm nie dah smmg nye awk xamik berat???

lpe,awk amik brat,cme awk xtnjuk je....

ist it my fault?!

kalau sye pergi tnpa berutahu awk,tu bkn slh awk,tp slh sye....

klo sye wat smtin xbgtau awk,tu bkn slh awk,tu slh sye....

klo sye kecik ati,tu bkn slh awk,tu slh sye....


ape slh sye??

sume brlaku coz awk...

awk la pncenye....

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

should i??

class ak kat bcp makin bez...better n better....
n my english is better than before...
i think....
n now,everything changes....
my lifestyle suddenly changes after spm...
i thought,after spm,i can do evrything i want...
hang out with frenz,have some parties...
tp cam xleyh je sumer tu....
n skang,ngan kengkawan pown ak da xbnyk cntct...
ngan die pown da xsllu cntct da...nk jmpe lgi la ssh....,i think i noe what's the meaning of tenagers...
a lot of things that i must face off before i become an adult...
i guess so....
lesen L pown da dpt...
klo x,ak dpt P da,tp mama ak tu suh ak amik L dlu...
ergh!!!its ok meh....
its not a big deal....
kwn2 ak sumer da keje....
ak jer still mnganggur...
tp ustazah ckp xyh keje la lgi....
coz die tkot ak ter overexiting ble pgg duit....
may b its true....
so,better ak xkeje lgi for a few month....
my rutin these days was sooo boring....
i hate my life now...
besides i cannot go anywhere except for study...
my life like shit.....

hmm....ble la leyh jmpe ngan die lgi....
ak pown xtau....
may b she doesnt like to meet me....
hahaa...who knoes....its her secrete....
may b she's boring with me....
coz im not attractive....
may b..who knoes...its her secrete....
n about that acquaintance boy,i still didn't get any info yet....
she was not telling me anything about him....
so,i juz kept it in my mind....
its ok...
btw dear,ily you so0 much k....
n about her,i dun mind coz i knoe shes everything for u....
im juz fine....eventhough i a bit trase bout it....
its ok....

n here got a love story,
i imagine that,the girl was u...

~ girl: am i cute? boy: no girl: do u want to live with me? boy: no girl: will u cry if i leave u? boy: no the girl start to cry, the boy pulled her close to him and said, "u're not cute, but cutiest, i dont want to live with u, but i live for u. if u leave me, i don't cry but i die.

i love u damn much dear....

Thursday, January 7, 2010


everytime i ignore it,i feel like im alone....
everytime i see it,i felt in love....
everytime i'm with it,i feel happy....
everytime i make's any mistake,i feel regret about that....
everytime i forgive it,i always feel sad....
everytime i let it,i am so disappointed with it....
everytime im miss it,i always forgive it,
everytime i think about it,i cry....
n everytime it make me sad,i feel like im not longer exist in this world....
waiting for the angle to take me go far away from it....
as soon as possible....
i pray for that....
hope this will be the best decison in my whole life.....
let it be with its life....

i have no ideas on how to continue this poem....
hope it will change....

im not a superman....

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

hmm....ak xtau ape yg da jdi skang nie.....
dlu xpown camnie....xde la rse bosan.....
skang nie ntah la....ape yg ak wat sume cam xkne....
ape la nk jdi skang nie....
exam bi ak esk....
pas nie,ak sah2 bz pny la....
nik dok suh ak blek ktn....
ak mmg la nk stay sni,tp klo sty sni pown cam xgne ja...
suma xleyh....nk pown mcam xnk je....
dok umah xwat pe,kuar pown cam xbez je....
n ape yg ak nk smpekan kat kwn ak sume ak da gtau....

*anis,sy da wat ape yg awk soh sye wat sblm nie,n i dont think so that what i've done will change everything that i dont,u dont blame me if anything happen coz i've done what u ask me to do...

hmm...skang nie ak sllu dok kat pondok umah...dlm kete pown,sllu ak diam...
sume da xcam dlu...ntah la....tekanan gle kan hdop nie....
cam nak mati awl je rse....HAHAHA....
k la...pape t ak tlis la ddlm blog nie....
tu pown klo rjin la..

Friday, January 1, 2010

aFiq aJe3r.....

malam nie ak dmm yg agk trok la.....
sowie ea anis sye cam emotional sket la td.....
sy xde mood+xlarat.....
sorie coz xgtau...hahahaha.....

hmm...mlm nie agk bosan....
xtau nk wat pe....
esk nk gi puncak alam...
anta brg kak nis....
may b blek ari ahad....
adoy....xbez nye....
igt nk la dok kl jap,nak gi jln2...

klo mntk kat mak ak,sah2 la xdpt....
papepown,sengal 2 sye pny k....
jgn cbe rmps ea....
coz sye syg die sgt2.....

xtau nk bebel pe gi nie....
k ar...slm

malam smlm....

ak mimpi die....
ak gi kede die ngan spupu aku...
tp ktorg juz ddk then blah...n die call ak,die tny ak,
ak gi kede die ke td???ak jwb x???
n ktika tu,sore die da nanges smbil mnjwb xpela....
then ak ltk fon coz xtau nk ckp pe da....

persoalannya,kenape die....
ak xde tlis nme die dlm blog ak pown mlm td.....
bia la....papepown jap gi leyh je tny die....
ke nk bia je ea....

KEPADA __________

*need my opinion huh??
my answer is no...
better u juz leave HER n start ur new life....
tu pown klo ko xkesa la ak bg pndgn nie kat ko....
die da wat ko trok2 cam nie pown ko nk lgi ke kat die....
klo die syg ko la die xwat ngka camnie la....
piki la sket....ak pown phm gak prasaan ko,klo da cam nie trok,better ko ptus jela....ak nk je gtau kat ko spy ko jgn siyes sgt ngan tkot ko mrh ak je....
da smpe die wat xtau cam nie,ape kejadahnye....ko bkn xde rpe la weyh,ko ade....pape nnt ak try la blek ktn cpt sket....hampeh towl la ko nie....
sowie ar weyh ak xbls msj....maen game....
ak call ko off fon...gpown ak nk tlis pnjg...hihihihi....
kedit ak bkn nk blnje....hampeh towl mu nie...
da la,jgn cokodok!!!