Saturday, July 30, 2011


ok,today,i would like to story mory about Teoh Beng Hock..

hurm..agk pelik bile seseorg bunuh diri bukan sbb putus cinta,bukan sebab krisis kewangan or bukan sebab masalah keluarga/rumah tangga..

SELALUNYA,org cina,akn bunuh diri disebabkan masalah kewangan,pinjam ahlong of,diorg decide utk bunuh diri..


satu persoalan yg main dlm otak aku..for what die nk bunuh diri tanpa sebab melainkan kalau die kene PRESSURE?

PRESSURE?ok,xsemestinye die kene PRESSURE/PAKSA bunuh diri dengan mentaliti,TAPI,die mungkin kene PRESSURE,macam die diacah utk ditolak jatuh dri tgkt yg tggi..

TAPI,aku more to die ditolak,alaa biase la,kerajaan buat salah,cnfrm kes dibuang/ditutup,xpon,end up dengan kesimpulan yg terSANGAT99 BODOH!!helo,wake up,where's the RULE,mane pergi UNDANG2..kalau da salah,jgn la nk create story yg Teoh mati bunuh diri..hei,budak kecik pun tawu beza tingkap dgn akn keluar ikt pintu,bukan ikut tingkap..come on,pejabat SPRM xde pintu ke?hbes tu,xde pulak kes pegawai SPRM mati keluar ikut tingkap?what do u aspect,rakyat malaysia ni bodoh ke?even,there is 3 top doctor in the world,i forgot his name,juz keluar dkt newspaper,said that,terdapat kesan die ditolak,atas some reason,(its bio,i hate bio),but,disangkal..the doctor is from thailand..HE IS ONE OF THE 3 TOP DOCTOR yg pakar in his bidang in WORLD!..

nowdays,LAW is controlled by the MONEY..besides,there is no word L.A.W. in the government dictionory..because,ARAHAN is the LAW..

bile difikirkan balek la kn,kenapa kes2 yg melibatkn menteri ditutup/dibuang??tambah2 pulak,KERAJAAN??korg sndiri pernah terfikir x?

ok,kes altantuya sendiri,ramai yg cakap,ini melibatkan najib kn,TAPI,ade najib disiasat?WHY?because GOVERNMENT.haha